Thursday, February 11, 2010

Only in WInter Do I Get to See...

Only in winter do I get to see
What my dog is sniffing
On his walks with me.

Bunnies, deer, mice and opossum
Have left tracks that must really
smell quite awesome.

His actions tell me there’s value in the find
Of a tender morsel
An animal left behind.

He wags and rolls and rolls some more
To come up with a fragrance
I truly abhor.

“Oh you naughty boy!” I yell, shaking my head
“You’re not getting that smell
all over my bed!”

So at home he obliges and jumps in the tub
Shampoo and water
Scrub a dub-dub.

His soft Labrador coat now shiny and bright
With a fragrance less natural
He smells just right!