Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chai Pottery Blessing bowls on ETSY

Youngman and I have been working hard at the pottery to get our Chai Pottery Blessing Bowls out to a national audience in time for christmas. We have put the our smallest, 1lb bowl on You can view them by clicking on
They are described below:

#1 Blessing Bowl Description: “Winter Blessing Bowl”
(Sorry the photo is a bit fuzzy!)
Porcelain, 5” wide x 1+1/2” tall

#2 Blessing Bowl Description: “Floral Friendship Blessed Be…”
Porcelain, 5” wide x 1+1/2” tall at only.

#3 Blessing Bowl Description: “Floral Friendship Blessing Bowl”
Porcelain, 5” wide x 1+1/2” tall
Price: $23.00 each $11.40 flat rate shipping for one to 6 bowls.
Where available: Chai Pottery in Traverse City (231) 922-9699 Larger bowls with personalized options available.
direct link:

These make great friendship or girlfriend gifts. They are always a delight to give and to receive.

Folks love the art work, sentiment, price and handcrafted nature (wheel thrown and hand painted – each bowl is lovingly handled at least 22 times in the creation process!)
Thanks so much for your interest!

Many Blessings,

Julie :)

A Whirlwind of Snow

When I die,
I want to be a whirlwind of snow,
if just for a moment, at my passing,
gently twirling in the first snowfall of the season.

A whirling, twirling energy of love and joy
(for how else could I express what is deep inside
and what we become fully in spirit?)

I would turn and twirl down Front Street,
when the lights are shining
in the leafless trees,
and touch your face
with gentle wisps of snow.

So that you remember
what it is like to feel unfettered,
like an innocent child
who is hopeful,
knowing that life has promise,
that this sacred earth will support you
and that your soul has wings.

And perhaps you will let go
of the fears that bind you in unhappiness
and quiet your restless mind long enough
to feel and listen
to what is deep inside of you
like a whirlwind of snow –
just waiting to dance.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Take Action to Prevent Fireworks

Every year before and after the 4th of July, those of us who live near a lake are forced awake in the middle of the night by neighbors shooting off illegal fireworks. Worse yet, when summer cottages are owned or shared by various families, it seems that each family brings yet another set of fireworks.
Those of us who are told not to make a stink about it because, "It's only one day," (as if complaining is unpatriotic or unneighborly) know only too well that the violent noise waking us up in the middle of the night lasts, not just one day but at least 10 days, and often, through out the summer.

If loud fireworks are illegal in Michigan, why don't more people just call the police? Because nothing happens and every year the fireworks displays get louder and longer. Why does nothing happen? According to the Leelanau County Sheriff, the person lighting the fireworks fuse must be caught in the act. This make the law hard if not impossible to enforce.

What can we do?

1. Call the police every time loud and or colorful fireworks are set off. This will help set a public record that there is a problem.

2. Call your state representative and ask them to help change the fireworks law. The person responsible for paying the fines for lack of permits to display, transport and store fireworks should be the home owner, landowner, taxpayer.

3. Make this a public issue. Write into newspapers, letters to the editor, call into radio shows and let your voice and story be heard. People are way to silent on this topic. Just complaining to the check out lady at the local food mart will not effect the change we need.
Share the info in this blog (see previous blogs as well) with friends, neighbors, people in the media, your state rep. and sheriff. Most people do not know of the domestic pet, wild life and environmental damage caused by fireworks.

4. Don't visit your neighbors in the middle of the night. I've done that and it only gets me more angry as I head over to their property. Approaching neighbors who are shooting off fireworks, (partying and probably drunk,) puts you in danger as they tend to respond with greater anger.
Yet, they do need to know that their actions affect others. Just 3 days ago I yelled very loudly over the fence, "Those fireworks are illegal, stop shooting them. It's after 11pm!" The noise curfew is 11pm. They responded back, "F.... you!" I did not, I'm sad to say bless them but responded in kind. They were silent for a few minutes then quickly shot off what I assume was the remaining lot. I have not heard them again from that property.

Remember, it is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. We have been cursing the darkness way too long. But we are not powerless.
Not long ago, it was the smoker who had the right to determine the air you breathed. Now those of us wanting the natural, healthy state of clean air have the power.
The same will be true about fireworks. Soon, the beautiful, quiet, healthy state of nature will win hearts and minds and be the law. When that happens a few years down the road, we will wonder, "What were we even thinking shooting off fireworks?"

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Heavy Metals in Fireworks & MI Laws

Every year fireworks cause 32,000 fires and 9,300 accidents.

Some Michigan laws pertaining to Fireworks:
What’s Legal:
According to the Michigan State Fire Marshal the following fireworks are legal: Sparklers, flat paper caps, toy pistols and toy cannons cone and cylinder fountains, toy snakes not containing mercury and toy smoke devices.
What’s Illegal: Basically, if it shoots off the ground or makes a lot of noise, it’s illegal. Some illegal fireworks include Cherry Bombs, Comets, Firecrackers, M-80’s Bottle Rockets, Roman Candles, Silver Salutes, M-250 and M-1000 and Torches.
Permits Required: In order to shoot off illegal fireworks, you must obtain a permit from the township board and be prepared to submit proof of training and your qualifications to do the fireworks display. You must be insured and show knowledge of the National Fire Protection Association safety requirements.
Proper Transportation and Storage Permits: You must also obtain a permit to transport and store fireworks. A noncombustible, one story building is usually required. There are also transportation regulations.

Penalties for illegal fireworks without a permit: $500.00 fine or 93 days in jail.
Source for this information: Marc Jacobson, WJRT-TV

and the Michigan State Fire Marshal

What are the heavy metals causing the brilliant colors of illegal Fireworks?

The reds are made from strontium. Some dissolves in water, some move deep into soil and ground water – but don’t figure it will just go away. Radioactive strontium has a half life of 29 years! In high doses it damages bone marrow and can lead to birth defects. It impairs bone growth in kids.

The blues come from copper which starts the formation
of dioxins when the perchlorates in fireworks burn, causing acne like lesions, cancer, disrupts hormone production and glucose metabolism.

The greens came from barium and accumulates in fish and other aquatic organisms – thus moving up the food chain causing muscular weakness and gastrointestinal problems like vomiting, diarrhea, trouble breathing, numbness and muscle weakness. High doses can lead to changes in heart rhythm,
paralysis or death.

And finally we have cadmium, used in a wide range of colors.
It causes cancer, high levels cause lung damage.
It can fluster the stomach resulting in vomiting and diarrhea.
Long term exposure leads to kidney disease and lung damage.
Cadmium is taken up from the earth, water and air by plants, (as in our gardens) fish, and other animals. It is released into the water ways and passed up the food chain.
Think about that next time you go hunting or fishing.

Alternative to Fireworks: Laser light shows are fast becoming a popular option all across the country. There are even companies that put on laser light shows. Google laser light shows to see a few examples. Did you know Pink Floyd does a laser light show concert?

If you want to help stop legal or illegal fireworks in your neighborhood and encourage earth friendly alternatives, you can share this column electronically. Together, we can make a difference!

Sources for this information: Earth Matters at

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fireworks and Spirituality

Fireworks & Spirituality
We honor our relationship with the Earth, ourselves,
one another and the Divine.
Living intentionally, we do as little harm as possible.

If you love the environment and critters of all kinds (and your own health) you may want to help us ban fireworks.
I live in Leelanau County, MI., an area known for quiet, natural beauty. We have many wildlife sanctuaries and wetlands. And yet, every year, people from down state come to these natural areas and shoot off extremely loud, toxic, illegal fireworks over the water which is the drinking well for deer, fox, raccoons and opossum and home to many muskrats, otters, water birds, turtles and fish.

We must be informed. Let's learn together about the effects of fireworks on people, pets, wildlife and the environment.

We must take action. We complain about oil leaks in the gulf yet, for fun, we destroy the natural environment that sustains so much life and brings people to Leelanau County, MI.

Here is what you can do:
1. Educate. Share the links below with neighbors, friends and family.
2. Call the police when illegal fireworks are shot off by neighbors.
3. Write to your local newspapers informing them of the devastation caused by fireworks.
4. Be aware that this campaign to ban fireworks may take a while. Committ yourself to doing a little each month to educate, inform and promote the ban.

What Fireworks are Legal in Michigan? Did you know that if it goes up in the air or makes loud noises, its illegal? click on link below:

What effect do Fireworks have on pets, wildlife and the environment? Click on link below:

What Chemicals are released into the environment? Clink on link below:

Fireworks Can Be Toxic to Humans Depending on the effect sought, fireworks produce smoke and dust that contain various heavy metals, sulfur-coal compounds and other noxious chemicals. Barium, for instance, is used to produce brilliant green colors in fireworks displays, despite being poisonous and radioactive. Copper compounds are used to produce blue colors, even though they contain dioxin, which has been linked to cancer. Cadmium, lithium, antimony, rubidium, strontium, lead and potassium nitrate are also commonly used to produce different effects, even though they can cause a host of respiratory and other health problems.

Thank you! Julie Chai

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Summer Fun?

Summer Fun?
The sacred silence of the evening
mingles with the sound
of frogs singing and crickets chirping,
lulling us to sleep.

This is the best part of summer.
And as I drift into a dream, I know that
somewhere in the nearby fields and forests
coyote pups are suckling,
deer are giving birth,
and the lovely fox we saw this winter,
living under a cottage porch
is now tending her young.

I fall into a deep sleep
resting for the next day’s work.
When it happens – again,
this year just like last year,

“Ohh,” I groan waking up.
The dog is whining, I lift him onto the bed.
He is shivering so hard our bed is shaking,
his hot, anxious breath in our faces.
My husband moans.

Crickets and frogs have stopped singing.
The earth seems frightened and strangely quiet.

Someone in a summer cottage is having “fun”
shooting off very loud fireworks.
If it is after 11pm I call the sheriff.

Sometimes I feel so violated and frustrated,
I fantasize going downstate to their home and
doing what they do up here,
the night before they have an important trial
or after a long day in the office or on call in the ER.
Or when they are sick or recovering from surgery.

It’s not my better side. I’m not proud of it.
I know we cannot force others to be compassionate
or see their actions from someone else’s perspective.
(And yes, I do know how pretty fireworks can be
and that it is exciting and fun to set them off.)

But it just doesn’t seem right – that
someone else’s “fun” causes so much pain
and is so destructive of what people
love about the area –
the abundant quiet and natural beauty.

For more information about the effects of fireworks
on the environment, pets and wildlife go to:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Promise of Spring

In the early warmth
when little snow was left on the ground
and streams were running strong,
before the tadpoles and turtles
awakened from winter’s sleep
or bats returned to their roost –
when the sweet scent of violets
and the song of the peepers
had yet to fill the air,
when baby robins and cherry blossoms
had yet to hatch or bloom,
we trimmed up the maples
and raked old leaves from the edges of the pond.

We ate lunch in the sun,
played frisbee with the dog,
walked in the woods and
rested in an old grassy clearing,
surrounded by pines
where the sun kissed the earth
And smelled like the promise of spring.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Valentines Day Poem by Youngman Chai

When green grasses stretch their arms
from the earth-
Everything new and everything hopeful…
I think of you.
When the sweet sent of roses linger
in the air-
Everything dreamy and everything standing still…
I think of you.
When falling maple leaves emit sweet and
comforting aromas high above the blue sky-
Everything accomplished and everything content….
I think of you.
When puffy white snow flakes dance with angels
in the air-
Everything refreshing and everything tranquil…
I think of you.
You are my spring, summer, autumn and winter –
My lover and companion,
my circle of life.

Only in WInter Do I Get to See...

Only in winter do I get to see
What my dog is sniffing
On his walks with me.

Bunnies, deer, mice and opossum
Have left tracks that must really
smell quite awesome.

His actions tell me there’s value in the find
Of a tender morsel
An animal left behind.

He wags and rolls and rolls some more
To come up with a fragrance
I truly abhor.

“Oh you naughty boy!” I yell, shaking my head
“You’re not getting that smell
all over my bed!”

So at home he obliges and jumps in the tub
Shampoo and water
Scrub a dub-dub.

His soft Labrador coat now shiny and bright
With a fragrance less natural
He smells just right!